• February 4, 2012: Technical event – Changing 328 Timing Belts, Cincinnati, Ohio

To broaden the Club’s appeal, we’re starting to have technical sessions to help people better understand what’s required to keep their cars in top mechanical and cosmetic shape. An appreciation of the work that’s required to do so is the goal; we’re not trying to turn you into a Ferrari mechanic or cosmetic specialist.

The first session this year was attended by 14 people.  Everyone was actively involved either by carefully observing or actually helping with the work.  After the day’s work, all the pieces in the way had been removed, the cams and flywheel timing had been checked and we were ready to change the belts, which is happening in subsequent sessions.   

Thanks to our sponsors and the FCA, we had a light breakfast and nice lunch, which Ian and Brittany De Barros served up nicely.

A special thanks goes to Tod Ruoti of Continental Autosports for his advice during the fun we were having.

Michael Kelly


  • April 20, 2012: Purdue Grand Prix, West Lafayette, Indiana

To increase student interest in the 55th running of the Purdue Grand Prix, we displayed a range of Ferraris prominently in the center of campus.  This kart race, modeled on the Indy 500, raises money for scholarships for deserving Purdue students.  Twelve people from Ohio and Indiana brought nine cars, and we did a great job of attracting student and faculty attention.  There were many photos taken and people sitting in cars, plus a lot of good conversations about the cars and what professions the owners had which allowed them to have the cars.  The FCA members also had time to chat among themselves.  Attendance at the race the next day was up significantly vs. last year, and our presence was one of the reasons.  

Interestingly, a Ferrari supported an earlier race – in 1972 a 512M driven by Chris Craft that finished 4th in the 1971 Le Mans race was displayed.

A special thank you to the Ohio member who let my son drive his car to the event since he couldn’t attend – that kind of generosity is one reason this is a great Club.  Thanks to all who displayed cars to help raise more scholarship money!

See Event Photos for a look at what went on at the event.

Michael Kelly


  • April 28, 2012: OSU-CAR Tour, Columbus, Ohio

Over fifty people from the FCA-Ohio Chapter attended the tour of The Ohio State University Center for Automotive Research (OSU CAR) on April 28, 2012, in Columbus, Ohio.  OSU CAR is an interdisciplinary research center in the College of Engineering.  Their research focuses on advanced electric propulsion and energy storage systems; advanced engines and alternative fuels for reduced fuel consumption and emissions; intelligent transportation and vehicular communication systems; autonomous vehicles; noise, vibrations, and dynamics; vehicle chassis systems; and vehicle and occupancy safety.

Dr. Giorgio Rizzoni, Director of OSU CAR, welcomed us with open arms and  presented an informative talk on the future trends of the automobile.  The primary focus of the presentation was that at our current rate of fuel consumption, our demand for energy sources will not be able to meet the supply.  Therefore, the challenge for the faculty and engineering students is to create new energy sources that are both efficient and economically feasible.

The tour of the facility, led by Dr. Rizzoni and David Emerling, included dynamometers; alternative fuel and exhaust treatment labs; combustion and flow labs; battery testing, aging, and characterization facilities; and high performance computing facilities for modeling and simulation of automotive systems.  A separate building houses the OSU Motorsports program dedicated to specific student projects such as the Buckeye Bullet (www.buckeyebullett.com) the world's fastest electric vehicle, the EcoCAR, Formula SAE, Baja SAE, Solar Car, and the Electric Motorcycle Race teams.

The research activities at OSU CAR fall into three categories: Optimizing vehicles and powertrains.  Employing information, communication, and control technology to improve vehicle safety and functionality.  Improving passenger and pedestrian safety and identifying injury criteria. 

OSU CAR students also visit high schools to promote the program and attract a new generation of young engineering talent.  Dr. Rizzoni allowed time for questions and ended the presentation with an invitation to all interested young people to consider a career in the automotive engineering field.

See Event Photos for a look at what went on at the event.

Giorgio Bittoni


  • May 5, 2012: Valley Vineyards, Cincinnati, Ohio

We kicked off our first social event in the Cincinnati area for the year, with about 25 people attending, including a couple new faces in the crowd!! We first met in Montgomery and chatted, catching up after our last meeting at the technical session. It was great to see that Dave and Michelle's 328 was up and running after 5 weeks of repairs!! After everyone arrived we started our cruise inspired by Brittany's grandfather; these were the roads he taught her to drive on!! After the scenic views and the weather holding out for us we arrived at Valley Vineyards! As everyone arrived we chatted and admired the cars for awhile in the parking lot then went inside for fantastic conversation and a great lunch! After lunch we sang Happy Birthday to Michelle, Steve, and Sarah! As lunch was winding down we continued great conversations until the early afternoon, what a fabulous way to start out the 2012 events! We can't wait to see everyone at the next event!! Thanks to everyone who came out!

Ian De Barros


  • May 6, 2012: Mon Ami, Port Clinton, Ohio

On Sunday, May 6, 2012 the NW Ohio Region and the Cleveland/Akron Region of FCA-Ohio held a spring drive through Northern Ohio to the Mon Ami Restaurant and Winery in Port Clinton, Ohio. The NW Ohio group left Sylvania (a Toledo suburb) at 11:00 AM and travelled south to Pemberville, Ohio and then followed the meandering Portage River Northeast to the restaurant on Catawba peninsula. It was a beautiful, sunny spring day and we enjoyed the participation of 15 cars including 7 Ferraris and 26 people who started in Toledo.

The Toledo group was joined at the restaurant by 14 cars and 24 people from the Cleveland area, who arrived via a scenic drive of their own.

An outstanding brunch prepared by Mon Ami was enjoyed by all and there was much discussion about doing the same or a similar trip again. 

Hal Nichols and Doug Ehrler


  • May 6, 2012: Spring Drive, Grove City to Pomeroy, Ohio

Approximately twenty cars attended the 2012 Spring Drive from Grove City to Pomeroy, Ohio.  Pinnacle Golf Club was the meeting location, where Harvey Ford of Midwestern Auto Group provided coffee, bagels and pastries.  The drive provided beautiful landscape with long straights that lead to the twists, turns and dips typical of southeastern Ohio.   After an exhausting but amazing morning of driving, we stopped for lunch at the Wild Horse Cafe in Pomeroy, on the Ohio River.  The sun made an appearance and the view was peaceful and beautiful.  Great food and fellowship were enjoyed by all who attended.

The show stopper was Andy Manganaro's 275 GTB-4, which he drove from Xenia.  Barbara Coker, a friend of the Bittonis, offered to trade her Chrysler Sebring since it's a convertible and seats four, but for some reason Andy politely declined.  At that point she made an offer in the low twentys, but apparently it's not for sale since Andy still owns the car.

The event came to a close with a more relaxed drive back to Columbus.  Many parents and children in minivans and SUV's were very excited to see the caravan of Ferraris, Lamborghinis and Porsches rolling by. 

See Event Photos for a look at what went on at the event.

Giorgio Bittoni


  • May 26, 2012: Autocross and Ferraris at Ferrari's, Cincinnati, Ohio

Ciao Ferraristi!!

On May 26 the morning started with an autocross event in partnership with the Porsche Club. This timed event took place in a large parking lot with lots of run off areas located at Live Oaks Vocational School.  Seven of our members, including our newest member, attended.  Two FCA drivers experienced autocross for the first time, while one experienced FCA driver showed the way.

After pumping some adrenaline and warming up some tires ;) nearly 25 Ferrari Club enthusiasts came together for a fantastic lunch and camaraderie at Ferrari's Little Italy. The weather was warm and so was the atmosphere inside!

Over lunch we caught up on Club news, upcoming events, and personal news updates...lunch with a fantastic group of people - the original social network!!!

Thanks to our sponsors Midwestern Auto Group, Maserati of Cincinnati, Evans Automotive, NJB Automotive, Studio 47, The Barcza Group, Esoteric Auto Detail and North Coast Exotics for the lunch.

Mille grazie!

Ian De Barros


  • June 10, 2012: Ault Park Concours for Arthritis, Cincinnati, Ohio

Special parking spots were reserved for a dozen FCA members’ Ferraris at this year’s Concours.  Ferrari drivers from across Ohio and Kentucky attended.  The cars made an impressive Show outside the Show, and I received a number of positive comments about our display of cars.  There were even more FCA members who attended the Concours; we’ll try for additional special parking spots next year to accommodate our growing numbers. 

Michael Kelly


  • June 30, 2012: Day at the Lake House, Cincinnati, Ohio/Indiana

The day at the lake house event began early on Saturday June 30th with a brisk drive from Spade Kreations Customs to the Miller's lake house residence in Indiana. Bob and Marcella's fantastic hospitality once again fostered a relaxing and enjoyable FCA reunion by the lakeside. All enjoyed great camaraderie and seeing friends that drove from distances as far as Cleveland!

Mille Grazie to Bob and Marcella for hosting the event!

Ian De Barros


  • July 27, 2012: PDX at Mid-Ohio, Lexington, Ohio

 We had a great turnout and a wonderful time this year at our annual Performance Driving Experience!  Many familiar faces returned and a number of new people attended, some for their first time on the track.  In total, we had 31 people who came to the event, with 15 cars. 

The entire day was sunny and bright, and just the right temperature for a PDX.  We had drivers in each of the 4 available driver groups. Everyone did an excellent job on track – all the cars ended the day in the same condition they started, and each person seemed to learn something new that improved their performance.  Additionally, Craig Reed, our Studio 47 sponsor, and I were able to provide rides to a number of passengers, many who’d never been on a track before.  A bonus this year was being able to watch some Pro drivers in action between some of our sessions.

We had beverages to keep everyone properly hydrated throughout the day, a wonderful lunch and dessert provided by FCA Ohio and our sponsors Midwestern Auto Group, Maserati of Cleveland, Maserati of Cincinnati, Evans Automotive, NJB Automotive, Studio 47, The Barcza Group, Esoteric Auto Detail and North Coast Exotics.  Thanks to Bob and Marcella Miller for making all the arrangements.

Thanks to the SCCA for partnering with us again for a wonderful event.  The SCCA does a great job of keeping everyone safe from technical inspection to each and every driving session until the end of the day.

The enthusiasm of the group continued into the evening and a number of us gathered for a nice dinner at Der Dutchman.  There was a lot of conversation about our day on track and all the fun we had, as well as the next day when many of us were heading south for our Annual Meet.

See Event Photos for a look at what went on at the event.

Michael Kelly


  • July 28, 2012: Annual Meet, Dublin, Ohio

Over eighty Ohio Chapter members gathered at the Midwestern Auto Group (MAG) Ferrari dealership for their Annual Meet.  The facility was ideal as Ferraris of various eras were featured both inside the dealership and in the parking lot.  Inside the dealership MAG featured both a 458 Spider and an FF.  For many of us this was our first time seeing either car in the flesh.  An F40 and a Dino 246 GTS were the show stoppers outside.  The lot was completely filled with Ferraris from all corners of the state.

The day was very calm and progressed well as everyone had an opportunity to mingle and catch up with old friends and make some new ones.  A delicious Italian lunch was catered by Carfagna's, who thought of every detail down to the black and red tablecloths.  They even featured Ferrari champagne for those who were serious about celebrating.

A huge thank you goes to Midwestern Auto Group's Barry Lester, Mike Finneran and Harvey Ford for offering their dealership as a meeting place.  We were able to tour the facility and even chat with Dan, their lead Ferrari mechanic.  Several cars were on lifts which also sparked conversations on issues we would not normally consider.  A thank you to our other sponsors who also made the event possible: Evans Automotive, NJB Automotive, Maserati of Cincinnati, Maserati of Cleveland, Studio 47, North Coast Exotics, The Barcza Group, and Esoteric Auto Detail.  A special thank you to Giorgio Bittoni for organizing the event, we all appreciate it.

See Event Photos for a look at what went on at the event.

Grateful FCA members


  • August 25, 2012: Cindy Express, Lebanon, Ohio

Nothing stirs an appetite like seeing old friends, making new ones, and the roar of 15 engines running and twisting in unison through the countryside. The weather was fantastic, and the cruise lead all the way up to half-way point at the outlet mall near Columbus. The 120+ mile cruise ended at Cindy's residence where her hospitality treated everyone to an amazing lunch that almost one week later, the memories still bring water to our mouths!

Mille Grazie to Glenn for arranging the cruise and Cindy for hosting the lunch!

See Event Photos for a look at what went on at the event.

Ian De Barros


  • September 2, 2012: Italian Gathering, Columbus, Ohio

In spite of effects from hurricane Isaac arriving in the Midwest, the Italian Gathering 2012 proceeded without rain.  The Ohio-FCA was well represented with over 30 Ferraris including an F-40, a 458 Italia, a California, and others.  Our major sponsor, Midwestern Auto Group, also brought several cars that complimented the show.  Rick Lederman's California, which he drove from the Toledo area through a thunderstorm, won the best Ferrari award.  Congratulations Rick!

The event included Italian cars and motorcycles of various manufacturers.  Lamborghinis were well represented, including a bellissima Miura.  Maserati, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Ducati and Moto Guzzi were all on display. 

A huge THANK YOU to George Evans of Evans Automotive (one of our sponsors) and his committee for organizing an amazing event.  Many friendships were reconnected and made throughout the day, as soft Italian music played in the background.  The Italian Gathering is held on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, on the lawn of Wendy's International Headquarters in Dublin, Ohio.  All proceeds benefit the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and Wendy's Wonderful Kids.  This year $13,000.00 was raised for the two organizations.

Our very own club president, Michael Kelly, was busy talking Ferraris and selling apparel under the Ferrari tent, and even secured a few more members.  The whole Wikette family staffed our tent as well, thank you for doing so.  Mark your calendar now for September 01, 2013.

Giorgio Bittoni


  • September 9, 2012: Grand Prix of Italy Party, Cleveland, Ohio

Sunday September 9th was the inaugural FCA-Ohio Grand Prix of Italy party. It was held at the home of Doug and Tracy Ehrler.The turn out was excellent for Ferrari enthusiasts, and also 2 Lamborghinis, 2 Porsches and a Viper. Appetizers, wine and bellinis welcomed guests as all got acquainted and admired the cars present. After the pre-race program, the GP at Monza was underway. Lunch from award winning D'Agnese's Trattoria was served along with green, white and red martinis (Italian flag colors). A lucky bunch left with Ferrari regalia door prizes.

Although Ferrari finished third and fourth, it did not dampen the festive energy of the afternoon. A short local drive followed the race. At the request of many, this will certainly become an annual event to be anticipated year to year.  Thanks to Earl Gibbs of North Coast Exotics for sponsoring this event.

Thanks to all who attended.

See Event Photos for a look at what went on at the event.

Doug Ehrler


  • September 15, 2012: Kentucky Drive and Quaker Steak and Lube Lunch, Cincinnati, Ohio

The blue skies and warm weather on Saturday provided the setting for a fantastic cruise drive planned by Michael Kelly and Beverly Bross-Kelly, and the road provided the canvas for about 20 beautiful cars! The cruise wound through Northern Kentucky, taking scenic roads by the Ohio river, through to Milford Ohio to Quaker Steak and Lube. The attendance was great and about 35 local members and guests enjoyed the adrenalin-jarring ride, and camaraderie at lunch!

This course will definitely become a staple on our yearly events calendar- thanks Michael and Beverly!

See Event Photos for a look at what went on at the event.

Best regards,

Ian De Barros


  • October 8, 2012: Creative Engines: A Conversation with Sergio Marchionne and John C. Jay, Columbus, Ohio

Several members from the Central Ohio FCA Chapter helped fill a packed Mershon Auditorium at the Ohio State University campus to listen to Sergio Marchionne and John C. Jay.  The event was part of the 200 Columbus Bicentennial celebration.

Sergio Marchionne is the current CEO of both Chrysler and Fiat.  He joined Fiat in 2004, and returned it to profitability the following year, after four straight years of losses.  He started at Chrysler in 2009 and found the company was in "miserable shape".  In early 2009, a dialogue was initiated by Marchionne between Fiat and Chrysler, which resulted in an alliance by June of the same year. 

Marchionne credits Chrysler's success to several efforts.  His first task was to make changes at the executive level.  Once the correct management team was revamped, he encouraged all to overcome adversity by going beyond conventional thinking.  He then introduced a new perspective of welcoming change, and asking, "why not instead of why".  He was instrumental in masterminding the company's turnaround, which has resulted in 29 consecutive months of profitability.  By May 2011, Chrysler paid back all of its government loans with interest, and became the fastest growing US automaker in 2011. 

An example of a current project at Chrysler is a nine speed transmission which is expected to greatly improve fuel efficiency.  The new Dodge Dart was also mentioned as a car that has Fiat architecture but is based on the body style of the current Alfa Romeo Giulietta.  The differences between Fiat and Chrysler are what make the partnership work, according to Marchionne.  In his final comments, Marchionne suggested to the current automotive engineering students to work for a company that allows you to be creative.  His final statement was, "Don't let anyone else define you".

John C. Jay is a Columbus native and the global executive creative director for the integrated advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy.  Jay spoke about growing up in Columbus as the son of immigrants who ran a laundromat.  As a child, the American dream seemed unreachable for him.  Through hard work and his parents support, he was the first in his family to attend college.  Over his long career, he's had international clients such as Chrysler and Nike, and also received many international awards.  In discussing the current advertising market, he stated that as a result of today's fast changing technology, all business models are being challenged.  Creativity is the most important trait of future CEOs, according to Jay.

After the two presentations, there was an open discussion between  Marchionne and Jay, which was followed by questions from the audience.

See Event Photos for a look at what went on at the event.

Giorgio Bittoni


  • October 21, 2012: Fall Color Tour, Cleveland, Ohio

Sunday October 21st was the Ferrari Club Of America-Ohio Chapter's annual Fall Drive. The weather was clear with a refreshing fall chill in the air. We gathered at Collection Auto Group in North Olmsted and enjoyed generous hospitality from Bernie Moreno and his staff. The collection of automobiles in their inventory was as impressive as it was tempting.

After an on time push off, we headed out of the city. The roads reflected the color of the season. Minimal highway miles were utilized, rather taking advantage of two lane thoroughfares. We traversed The Cuyahoga Valley National Park on our way to Punderson Lodge. Our private dining room sat atop the lake which mirrored the distant tree line. Our roped off quadrant of the parking lot attracted all who passed by to explore the collection of Ferraris and exotics.

Thanks to all who attended and made it the special event it was.

Doug Ehrler


  • November 3, 2012: Xenia tour of a Member's car collection and lunch, Xenia, Ohio

The onset of colder weather and the threat of rain didn't deter the Cincinnati and Columbus area members from the yearly tradition of visiting Andy's stunning collection of award winning fine and exotic automobiles! A total of 34 members participated in the visit. Lunch was great, and the bibs worked well to keep the drool off the cars too!! My personal favorites of the collection are the 1975 308GTB, V12 365 GTB Daytona, and the 275 GTB. Thanks again Andy for your hospitality and openness to share your extraordinary machines!

Ian De Barros


  • November 7, 2012: Maserati of Cleveland Skyfall Preview, Cleveland, Ohio

Collection Auto Group - Maserati of Cleveland - hosted a private premier of the new James Bond movie Skyfall on November 7.

All invited guests gathered for a pre-movie party at XYZ Tavern.  All were excited to get to see the latest 007 film two days prior to it's general release.  Heavy appetizers and Bond related beverages were provided form the dealership.

We made our way to the nearby Capitol Theater.  An impressive collection of Aston Martins lined the valet zone. Bernie Moreno introduced the film in this plush historic venue.  Bond, James Bond, what else can you say about the movie?

A truly unique event.

Doug Ehrler

Cleveland/Akron Reresentative


  • November 10, 2012: Taste of Italy, Maserati of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio

On the heels of a fantastic garage visit the weekend before, the Taste of Italy event roared into one of our wonderful sponsors, Maserati of Cincinnati on November 10th. Once again, Amanda from Maserati of Cincinnati organized an exquisite event with several vendors on site, and a wonderful assortment of canapes and edible enchantments, which 800 attendees got to enjoy!

This automotive-chic gathering is always a staple of the yearly events calendar, and we'll be eagerly awaiting next year's event! 

Ian De Barros